The Site Magazine

Selected images


The Site Magazine is an independent journal for architecture and urbanism. The magazine serves as an interdisciplinary platform to explore the agency of designers and aligned professionals in bringing change, advocacy, and engagement beyond the limits of art and design.

We work independently as well as with collaborators from various disciplines to deliver creative projects that contribute to the discourse around social change. Collectively, we believe in the capacity of the built environment and its related disciplines — architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and art, among others — to positively impact social, political, cultural, and ecological challenges facing humanity and the planet more broadly.

Since 2016, we have published The Site Magazine semi-annually. In 2018, the magazine was awarded the Grand Prix for Best National Magazine by the Canadian National Magazine Awards, as well as Best Arts & Literary magazine. In 2020, the Deviant Devices pamphlet series (V 40.X) was awarded the 2020 Pierre Vago Journalism Award by the International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA). In 2024, The Edit (Series1, Vol. 2) was awarded the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) Architectural Journalism and Media Award.

The Site Magazine's is edited, designed, and published by Nicole Bruun-Meyer, Miriam Ho, Ruth Jones, Aisling O'Carroll, Amrit Phull, Mike Taylor, and Carey van der Zalm (2024).